Have you been struggling hard to get even a small loan in South Africa due to having a bad credit rating in your profile? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place to find the right financial solution for your monetary worries.
A credit score is a display of your financial position in the past and present. It showcases your ability to repay pending loans and credit card bills on time and make sure to build a trust factor in the eyes of lenders. On the flip side, if you have bad credit ratings in the profile, then you don’t seem fit to take a quick loan in South Africa.
But not anymore. At FocusCash, you have the convenience to apply for small bad credit loans in South Africa online. This trusted platform allows working individuals having low credit ratings in their profile to still apply for an urgent cash loan and receive funds shortly.
Not only that, follow the useful tips and tricks to improve your credit score to an optimum extent.
So, with no further delay, let’s get started on the same.
Review your credit reports:
The first and foremost thing to do is review your current credit report to see how much ratings have been down so far. Doing this will help you know how low are your credit ratings and what you can do to improve them. By contacting a reliable credit agency, you will get to know your credit scores in the financial profile and take the necessary steps ahead.
Get a handle on account payments:
Another important thing to be done to improve your credit ratings is to handle your accounts with precision and care. With that means, you should be aware of all the debits and credits within the month to ascertain your monthly expenditures that are fixed along with fixed income. Maintaining this transparency will help you ideally manage your finances, pay debts on time, and ultimately enhance your credit ratings.
Aim for 30% credit utilization or less:
One of the important things to keep in mind is using a maximum of 30% of the credit utilization or sometimes less than that. This will help you stay within the financial limits and ideally repay the debts on time by making use of monthly savings. This regular practice will help you settle the pending dues and enrich the credit ratings in the profile.
Limit your requests for new credit:
This is something you should do beforehand. Simply limit your requests for new credits to avoid debts in the future. Doing this will further allow you to stay within financial limits and have few debts that can be settled well on time.
Make the most of a thin credit file:
Keep your credit line thin and make payments using your monthly income. With thin credit line means little to no debts in the profile.
Keep old accounts open and deal with delinquencies:
At most times, salaried individuals make late payments on their credit card or loan debt. This practice will make their account labeled as delinquent which further affects the credit score negatively. So, stay out of this practice and keep maintaining your old accounts with timely payments of debts.
Consider consolidating your debts:
Another integral factor to keep in mind is consolidating all your debts into one single payment to avoid unnecessary hassles. With the help of debt consolidation loans available on the FocusCash platform, you can ideally consolidate your short-term and long-term debts to focus on one payment only.
Use credit monitoring to track your progress:
Lastly, make the best use of credit monitoring tools to best track your financial progress. This will help you know how much debt has been paid and what improvement is there in your credit ratings.
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Adam Sandler is a publisher at Focus Cash with over five years of experience in the financial services industry as a marketer. Adam Sandler has completed the South Africa Securities Course (CSC®) along with the Personal Lending and Mortgages Course offered by the South Africa Securities Institute. In addition, Adam Sandler holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in English Literature and Creative Writing from Western University. send an email: 📨